Wednesday, 24 June 2009

CLS poster promenade

Spent yesterday in our service's poster promenade showing off the work we're doing to both take advantage of text messaging in the library and the way we're starting to use QR codes.

Lots of interest, with a few people realising they had QR readers on their 'phone (Nokia 'phones) and lots of people amazed by their potential!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Possible talk in October

I've just been approached to do a talk on QR codes and mobile stuff to library staff at an event in the Leeds area on 26th October - details to follow at a later date.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Article in library hi tech news

Just heard I've 2 short articles accepted for publication in Library Hi Tech News - the first one on QR codes and their potential for use in libraries.

I'll link to it when it appears!